Information Technology Services > Procedures


Plans, Policies, Standards, Procedures, and Guidelines for Information Technology Services

Staff members from Information Technology Services administer a number of hosted solutions and services. To provide the highest quality services, we have developed procedures to guide how we administer these systems and how our users can expect to interact with them. Please direct any questions to (

If server or network maintenance is needed it is routinely conducted on Sundays between midnight and noon and as a result, services may occasionally be unavailable during this time. If additional downtime is required it is scheduled and announced on the New River home page and sometimes we provide email or instant message warnings, as the situation warrants.

A list of all New River Policies and Procedures

Board of Governor’s Policies (1-40)

Policy Directory (recently approved and most recent policies)

Operating Rules (1-24)

New River Policies (A.100 to E.700)

New River Procedures (1-49)

These procedures are guided by the Information Technology Plan (PDF) which was created in support of the College's Facility Master Plan and Strategic Master Plan to serve as a guide for technology at New River. We rely upon the Higher Education Compliance Alliance for overarching legal requirements that pertain to higher education.

General Subject Areas Policies and Procedures External Authority, Example or Site
Onboarding and Offboarding Employees

New and Departing Employees

Employee Account Management Database
(HR and IT must authenticate to access)
Ellucian Banner
  1. Account Request Procedure
  2. Password Complexity Requirements
  3. Procedure for Termination of Accounts
  4. Banner Inactivity Report Procedure
Account Request or Modification Form (DOCX)
Brightspace D2L Procedures U.S. Department of Education
Computer and Network Use
  1. Internal Procedures
  2. New River CTC Computer Use Policy

1. (last updated on 02/24/2020)
2. (last updated 12/05/2011)

Computer Purchases and Replacements
(with New Computer Purchasing Recommendations)
Guide none
DropGuard - Early Alert System Training and Information Site—
Email Procedures Site—
Email Archiving Procedures Site—
Equipment Loans and AV Setups Procedures none
Graphic Standards Manual none
Help Desk Troubletickets and Knowledgebase Site—HESK Help Desk Knowledgebase

Site—Help Desk for IT Support

ID Cards ID Card Procedures Site—

Data Governance
Plans, Policies, Standards, and Procedures

  1. BOG 6.1 Information Security Policy (PDF)
  2. Consent to Do Business Electronically (PDF) (for students)
  3. Data Goverance Plan (PDF) and Data Governance Planning
  4. Data Standards and Procedures Manual (PDF)
  5. GLBA Higher Education Compliance Requirements (PDF)
  6. GLBA Compliance Procedures (PDF)
  7. NR 6.1 Telework Procedure (PDF)
  8. Phishing Incident Response Procedures (PDF)
  9. Privacy Policy (PDF)
  10. Ransomware Playbook (PDF)
  11. Standard Terms and Conditions for Information Privacy and Security (PDF) (for vendors)
  12. Telework Memorandum of Agreement (PDF)

Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations

West Virginia Legislature, Code 46A-2A-102 (Notice of breach of security of computerized personal information)

KnowBe4 is used for privacy awareness and cybersecurity training.

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

(see Technology Plan)

We adhere to the WVHEPC Privacy Management and Incident Response Plan

InterLibrary Loans Procedures American Library Association (ALA)
IVN (Interactive Video Network) Usage and Information Distance Education and IVN (Explained) Site:
People Search Photos Procedures Site—
Server Build Standards, Business Continuity, and Password Management Procedures none
West Virginia Office of Technology Policies and Standards WV Office of Technology
Web Site Joomla Templates User Guide none
Zoom Zoom User Manual
Zoom Information and Procedures
Site—Zoom Portal for New River



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Email: | Phone: 304-929-6725 | 280 University Drive, Beaver, WV 25813-8987 | Updated: February 4, 2025