New River Community and Technical College

About Us
Course Schedules
Distance Education and Remote Learning
Faculty Academy Archives
Help Desk
Library Services
Plans, Policies, Procedures, Standards, and Guidelines
Training and Workshops


Ad Astra - course scheduling
Alertus - desktop notifications
Alpha Fax - online fax services
Alpha Voice - online phone services
Argos - reporting solution
Banner - ellucian banner
Barracuda - antispam filter
Bookings - appointment scheduling
Brightspace D2L - learning management system
DropGuard - early alert system
Ed2Go - online career training
Eduroam - free parking lot wi-fi
Element451 CRM - customer relationship management
KnowBe4 - cybersecurity training for employees
Microsoft Bookings - online appointments
NEOGOV - applicant management
OLC - online learning consortium
Quality Matters - course quality assurance
Respondus - lockdown browser and monitor
Search New River - site search
WVNET - listserv
WVNET - teaching and learning commons
WVNET - oz
XMedius - online faxing and secure files
Zoom - videoconferencing and chat
My New River




Brightspace D2L, Zoom, and Remote Learning Readiness

In Spring 2022, Brightspace D2L replaced Blackboard Learn as the learning management system (LMS) used at New River. To access Brightspace D2L, login to the portal. Once you click the Brightspace D2L icon in the portal, you'll find training and helpful information. We recommend you download the Brightspace D2L app (named Pulse) for your mobile device (iOS or Android).

We also recommend you download the Zoom client for your computer or mobile device.

Students wanting to self-assess their readiness for remote learning are encouraged to complete the Remote Learning Readiness Survey. This self-diagnostic is helpful to ensure your success with remote learning.


Microsoft Office 365

In January, 2021, we transitioned all email services from a self-hosted solution to Microsoft Office 365, which is available through the portal. This change increased email storage from 2GB to 1000GB for each user and added new features like personal OneDrive storage, improved security, and more. Users may download Office 365 from the Office 365 Email link in the portal.


myPhoto ID Card System

In August 2021, New River implemented a new ID Card system and in March 2022 we introducted online access to the system so that users can submit an online form (with a photo) to request a New River ID Card. In September 2024, we updated our card template to include improved graphics and emergency contact information. For more information, please see our ID Card procedures and for assistance, please contact our Help Desk (304-929-6725). To request your New River ID Card, access the myPhoto site with your portal username and password to submit your photo.


Regroup Text Messaging System

In January, 2020, we implemented a new messaging system (Regroup) to provide both emergency and non-emergency messaging services for the College. We've created accounts for all students and employees, but each person must update his or her Regroup user profile to include a cell number and a personal email address (see Regroup FAQ). With unlimited messaging, we hope to incorporate non-emergency messaging with a number of offices (financial aid, student success, admissions, etc.) to improve communication with students.


Employee Software Updates

An ongoing project for us is to keep the software updated on over 600 computers throughout all our locations and we need each employee to help. At the end of the workday, please logout of your computer but do NOT power it off. Your updates will be installed early each morning before you arrive at the office and you'll have fewer problems as a result. Remote work poses new challenges for this task (see Security Threats and Preventative Measures). Thanks for your assistance with this tremendous task.

We migrated to Windows 11 (for computers that support it) and to Office 365 on all College-owned computers. Employees needing updates or assistance should contact our Help Desk with your request (304-929-6725 or You can also use Bookings to schedule your updates with someone from IT (use the link below).


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Request Assistance by Scheduling an Appointment


Email: Webmaster | 280 University Drive, Beaver, WV 25813-8987 | Phone: 304-929-6725 | Updated: March 6, 2025

New River Community and Technical College is a non-profit, state government owned, public institution of higher education.