Information Technology Services > Training and Workshops > Scheduling Assistant and Meeting Requests


The Steps

There are basically five steps to sending your Meeting Request (or Appointment) and they are:

  1. Open Outlook, click on your File menu, and choose New, Meeting Request (see image).
  2. Click the TO button to locate the folks you want to invite from the Global Address List (see image).
  3. Decide whether their presence at your meeting is required (see image) or optional (see image) and click that button.
  4. Choose the day (see image) and time (see image) for your meeting.
  5. Click on Scheduling to see if they are available (see image). If they are unavailable then choose a different day/time before sending your request.


Email: | Phone: 304-929-6725 | 280 University Drive, Beaver, WV 25813-8987 | Updated: April 21, 2022