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Faculty Academy 2013
Schedule and Proceedings
David Ayersman and Lora Kosa
New River Community and Technical College
Migrating from ANGEL to Blackboard: An Overview
New River implemented ANGEL in January 2010 but after being purchased by Blackboard, the end of life for
ANGEL was recently announced. As a result, the Distance Education Advisory Committee has agreed that we
should migrate from ANGEL to Blackboard 9.1. This session will summarize our efforts to date with plans for
the implementation of Blackboard 9.1 for Spring 2014. This session will bring our own Blackboard support
personnel together with faculty and administrators at New River to discuss this transition and to identify
milestones, key issues, training requirements, and migration plans so that the transition is a smooth one.
Informational Session (20 min)
Room: T302
Session Chair: Amanda Sauchuck