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Faculty Academy 2013
Schedule and Proceedings
Karen Carter-Harvey, Nick Bassett, and Dara Fann
New River Community and Technical College
Advising with DegreeWorks: Tips and Best Practices
New River implemented DegreeWorks (a web based tool to help students and advisors monitor student's
progress toward degree completion) in August 2012, but a recent survey revealed that 59% of our faculty have
not yet used it to advise students. However, 87% of the survey respondents felt that more training on
DegreeWorks should be offered. This clearly indicates a strong interest in learning more about DegreeWorks
and this session will serve to summarize key features of the tool as they relate to the day-to-day demands of
advising students. First-hand experiences of key faculty members will be provided and supplemented with the
technical expertise of Dara Fann.
Informational Session (20 min)
Room: T300
Session Chair: Chris Linsin
Steve Wise
New River Community and Technical College
Assessing Student Learning Skills
In my Life Management Skills Course one of the skills that we address is learning skills. Most of our students
have never been taught how to learn so even students who put forth great effort to learn, may find the task
challenging. By administering the Learning and Study Skills Inventory (LASSI) early in the semester we can
identify those skills that should be addressed and provide appropriate remediation. In this session I will review
the LASSI instrument, discuss how I use it and interpret results with students and present the results of a basic
pre- and post-test assessment to get an idea of course effectiveness in this particular life skill.
Informational Session (20 min)
Room: T300
Session Chair: Rachel Kelly