Area |
More Objectives |
Measurable Performance Indicator |
Procedures |
Develop procedures, sound business practices, and working policies for:
(a) security and personal privacy training and safeguards
(b) administrative management of IT systems and services
(c) procurement and deployment of IT equipment
(d) standards, guides, procedures, and policies to guide the usage of IT resources
(e) consistent onboarding and offboarding procedures to assign roles based on least privileged principles
(b) trouble tickets pertaining to various services will be categorized, tallied and key problem resolutions will be used to create self-help knowledge base articles for users.
(c) ongoing and annual inventory efforts will identify equipment in need of software updates as well as equipment to replace based on an 8-year replacement cycle and other criteria.
(d) workshops and training for users will be developed and provided based on user feedback, requests, and new project implementations. |
Resources |
Automate course and account creation for enterprise systems while standardizing access to services with secure MFA and single sign-on. |
(a) integrate selected systems and services with a primary data source (Banner) while using the Active Directory and a single sign-on portal for secure access that requires MFA.
(b) continually improve data integration for efficiency while following routine audit procedures to continually improve data accuracy. |
Minimize redundancy and expense of providing New River services and licensing to meet the dynamic needs of the College. |
Establish one LMS licensing and hosting solution for New River. |
Provide technology-enhanced facilities to promote HyFlex learning and meeting opportunities across all campus locations. |
Track usage of the technology-enhanced classrooms. |
Identify classroom technology improvement projects and oversee the completion of these projects to create and maintain technologically current facilities. |
Monitor troubletickets pertaining to technology-enhanced classrooms and identify improvements and upgrades to meet changing needs.
Receive project proposals from faculty and administration and develop prioritized annual plan for allocating upgrade and replacement funds. |
Professional Development |
Promote employee participation and completion of training and professional development opportunities that help them to better use technology while ensuring personal privacy and security. |
Share information regarding free and low-cost professional development webinars and online training for topics relevant to users while ensuring employees have an opportunity to complete required training related to privacy and security.
Collect, analyze, and share feedback regarding employee completion of required training. |
Personnel |
Establish position descriptions for IT staff and student employees that provide measurable performance objectives, planned professional development, and clear expectations for performance levels. Reward, compensate, and retain staff that meet or exceed these expectations. |
Guide IT employees to create professional development goals and plans.
Establish clear employee performance expectations and position descriptions and provide feedback for employee performance.
Ensure part-time student employees are guided by full-time staff with direct supervision and mentoring. |
Locate and secure funding for additional positions as needed. |
Pursue grant opportunities and college-level collaborative agreements. |
Communication |
Consistently provide effective and timely communications regarding services provided. |
Routinely communicate with all users (or designated users) regarding technology plans, training opportunities, upgrades, improvements, privacy and security threats, service disruptions, and periodic meetings with advisory groups.
Improve communications among the Information Technology Services staff by conducting weekly staff meetings, assigning specific responsibilities, collaborating on projects, and through ongoing cross-training and professional development. |
Document professional development plans and recognize achievements earned through completion and certifications.
Engage in weekly IT staff meetings for updates and discussions on key issues. |
Create and maintain a College Help Desk to unite and centralize the Information Technology Services staff and to improve communication and efficiency, while also providing historical records and artifacts of issues and resolutions to create interactive self-help Knowledge Base providing 24/7/365 assistance. |
Create and maintain a self-help knowledge base to convey timely information. |