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Faculty Academy 2013
Schedule and Proceedings
Karen Carter-Harvey
New River Community and Technical College
Quality Matters
The five-year Title III grant awarded to New River from the Department of Education helped to establish
criteria to evaluate distance education courses. While these criteria have certainly helped to improve the
quality of some distance education courses, the impact has been limited to only those courses developed
through the Title III project. The majority of courses at New River have not yet had to satisfy these criteria. The
College has recently had two faculty chosen by Quality Matters to participate in training to become part of a
statewide cohort of peer reviewers. This cohort will ensure that distance education courses continue to meet
these criteria and will expand our Title III efforts to all distance education courses (and maybe beyond).
Panel Discussion (20 min)
Room: T300
Session Chair: Joanie Newman
Joycie Wawiye
New River Community and Technical College
Improving Academic Skills and Promoting Higher Order Cognitive Development
Too many students attending community colleges lack the necessary skills essential for their academic success,
namely reading comprehension and study skills. Compounding this problem is their narrow approach to
learning, which seems to focus more on memorization than on application. In my presentation, I will
demonstrate how I am attempting to address these two challenges with my students by (1) holding students
accountable for studying outside of class, and (2) holding students accountable to not only practice but also
master reading comprehension and question answering skills.
Informational Session (20 min)
Room: T302
Session Chair: Tim Hoffman